

GOO.N - Japanese premium diapers brand by Daio Paper Corporation. The diaper touches the baby's skin more often than mother's hands. Our task is to create the perfect diaper, which will give your baby comfort and calmness, making every mom happy.
High-tech ultra-modern materials, elaborated according to the characteristics of children's body, and attentive attitude to the needs and desires of consumers allowed Daio Paper Corporation to create perfect diapers - diapers TM GOO.N. Phrase “Made in Japan” has long become a symbol of quality. Quality control system at the factory Daio Paper Converting Co., Ltd, producing GOO.N diapers is certified according to ISO 9001: 2000 and ISO 14001, which means the full quality control and introduction of environmental management into production. Almost all Japanese goods have premium status and are rather expensive. However, this is exactly the case when the value is higher than the price. Japanese diapers - new phenomenon on the European market. But whom do we buy the best for as not small children? Anyone who has ever tried GOO.N diapers will not be able to deprive his child of comfortable sleep, healthy skin, and reliable protection.